Sholawat Ya Rosulalloh + Translation (in Indonesia) + audio.Ħ. Sholawat Bariyyah + Translation (in Indonesia) + audio.ĥ. Asmaul Husna + Translation (in Indonesia) + audio.Ĥ. Wirdullathif + Translation (in Indonesia).ģ. Ratib Al-Haddad + Translation of Syarah Ratib Al-Haddad (in Indonesia) + audio.Ģ. These readings we received from Habib Nuh ibn 'Alwi Al-Haddad, Solo.ġ.
We hope this simple application can help us to continuously into practice, whenever and wherever we are. If at any time, for one reason you are not working, you should replace it at another time, so deceiving the wird-wird familiar with them. Know that wird powerful influence to illuminate the hearts and fill that inner strength, as well as controlling the body, but will not be effective if it is not done continuously at the times specified. Therefore, remember you told me undoubtedly I remember (also) to you, and be grateful to Me, and do not deny (favor) my.